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Thank You for visiting Vitalino website!
The website www.vitalino.bg (hereinafter referred to as "the site", "we" or "us") and related services are made available to Users and Customers (hereinafter referred to as "You / You", " You ”) in accordance with the conducted data protection management policy, containing the conditions described in this document. The website is owned and operated by employees of NIKON-NK EOOD, UIC 121127450, entered in the Commercial Register at the Registry Agency, with registered office and address of management: Sofia, 36 Louis Ayer Str.
Data protection and security are very important to us and NIKON-NK Ltd. guarantees the confidentiality of non-public information and personal data of all visitors and users of the website www.vitalino.bg. You can now find out about the collection, processing, storage and use of your personal data in our activities.
Your personal data is managed by NIKON-NK EOOD, UIC 121127450, entered in the Commercial Register at the Registry Agency, with registered office and address of management: Sofia, 36 Louis Ayer Str., Hereinafter referred to as “ Company "that" is a controller of personal data and is registered as such in the Commission for Personal Data Protection.
We operate as a controller of personal data in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation) and all relevant provisions of Bulgarian and EU data protection law.
Detailed information on the protection of personal data, the purposes, grounds and means for their processing, the maintained personal data registers and other information of interest to you as a personal data subject can be found below in this Privacy Policy, as well as by contacting the official appointed by us at: a.atanasow@magazinidar.com
By adopting and implementing this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy, the Company recognizes the right to privacy and strives to implement a comprehensive policy to protect against unauthorized access and / or processing of personal data of users of the website www .vitalino.bg.
With this Privacy and Data Protection Policy, the Company also aims to inform the users of this website for the purposes of processing their personal data, the recipients or the categories of recipients to whom the data may be disclosed, the basic principles involved in the collection and processing of personal data, including the voluntary start of the provision of personal data, strict observance of consumer rights and compliance with the obligations of the Company in its capacity as administrator of your personal data. The provision of personal data is subject to the principles, conditions and procedures established in the General Regulation on Data Protection, the Personal Data Protection Act and the bylaws governing the legal framework of these relations.
For the purpose of harmonization with the applicable national and European legislation in the field of personal data protection, this Privacy Policy is subject to update and may be amended periodically if the law or practice of the regulator so requires. Its latest version can be found published on this website.
The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the following meanings and meanings:
Personal data - any information related to an identified natural person or a natural person that can be identified, directly or indirectly by various identifiers such as name, identification number, location data, online identifier or other specific features related to the natural, economic , cultural or social identity, etc.
Personal data controller - a natural or legal person, public body, agency or other structure that independently or by assignment to another person processes personal data, duly determining the purposes and means of processing.
Personal data operator - a natural or legal person entrusted with a job description, order or contract to collect, modify, update, store, maintain, use and / or use in connection with the processing of documentation on behalf of the Administrator, store, archives, deletes, etc., personal data in the relevant register.
Personal data protection person - an official with the necessary competence, who is authorized by the personal data controller with a written act, which regulates his rights and obligations in connection with ensuring the minimum necessary technical and organizational measures for personal data protection. when processing them for the respective register.
The information you provide when sending complaints / opinions / recommendations / inquiries about Vitalino's activities includes at least the following data:
Additionally, you have the opportunity to provide at your request and discretion the following data:
Your complaint / opinion / recommendation / inquiry will reach us by providing your email address so that we can provide feedback to you. By entering your details and clicking the "send" button, you declare your consent to use your email address to respond to your contact request. You may withdraw your consent at any time in accordance with Article 6 (1) (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation concerning the processing of personal data collected during the registration process.
The purposes and legal grounds for the processing of personal data are:
Categories of persons who access and process users' personal data:
Other controllers of personal data to whom we provide personal data to our clients on their own basis and on their own behalf, if necessary or upon request, are only competent authorities - which by virtue of legislation have the power to require the Company to provide information, including personal data, such as judicial authorities, supervisory and / or regulatory authorities - Consumer Protection Commission, Competition Protection Commission, National Revenue Agency.
What are cookies and how to disable them?
Cookies are a package of information, in the form of a very small file, sent by a web server to your Internet browser and then returned by the browser each time it accesses the same server. We use cookies to personalize a site (presenting different pages to different users) and to track the access of individual users to the site, for systems for evaluating content from users, etc. A cookie remains stored on the user's computer for use in the next session, but this is not mandatory or a rule - it can also be used only within one session and be deleted at the end of the session. Cookies can also be deleted by the user at any time. Through HTTP cookies, websites can "distinguish" and "remember" their visitors and their individual preferences, settings and actions. You can learn more about the types of cookies at: https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP-cookie.
Almost any browser can allow you to delete at any time or prohibit the use of cookies at all through the appropriate setting (for more information seе https://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP-cookie). This may result in certain features of our website no longer being available to you. For the purposes of use described, the legal basis for the processing of personal data using cookies is set out in Article 6 (1) (e) of the General Data Protection Regulation. If you have given us your consent to the use of cookies on the basis of a reference ("cookie ban") provided by us on the website, the lawfulness of the use is further governed by Article 6 (1), first sentence, letter "a" of General Data Protection Regulation.
Once the data transferred from cookies is no longer needed for the purposes mentioned above, this information will be deleted. Further storage may be required in individual cases only if required by law.
IP address (Internet Protocol) is a number that uniquely identifies one computer or other hardware connected to the Internet and connects it to others when sending information over the Internet or a local area network. The IP address alone cannot identify an individual, but in combination with other additional information this would be possible. We store the IP address and its data to ensure the security of our systems from malicious actions and attacks.
This site may contain links to other websites. The privacy policy only applies to our website.
As users visit and browse our website, we track the pages they visit and the time they spend on the website using the Google Analytics Analytics Tool. Google Analytics is a web service provided by Google Inc. for the compilation of detailed statistics for website visitors. Google Analytics collects various data about the visitors of the sites where its code is placed through cookies. The information collected there can be used only by the team of www.vitalino.bg in order to improve your user experience.
You can object to the collection and processing of your data by downloading and installing a browser plug-in from the following link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.
In order to protect your data to the greatest extent from malicious actions of third parties, we have taken modern technical and organizational measures to ensure security, and in some sections we use cryptographic methods.
The company has the right to change its privacy policy at any time without notice in compliance with legal requirements, and the new conditions will take effect after their publication on this page.
This Privacy Policy applies to the website www.vitalino.bg and its visitors.
In case you have additional questions about the mechanisms by which we process the personal data provided by you or you want to make recommendations or share your opinion regarding the stated Privacy Policy, please contact us as follows:
Data Protection Officer:
Atanas Atanasov
Contact phone: +359 885899236, fax: +359 2/8624395
e-mail: a.atanasow@magazinidar.com
Address for correspondence: Sofia, 36 Louis Ayer Str.